10 Incredible Mole Facts
1. There Are Seven North American Mole Species North American moles include seven distinct species: The Eastern Mole (Scalopus Aquaticus)The Hairy-Tailed Mole (Parascalops Breweri)The Star-Nosed Mole (Condylura Cristata)The Broad-Footed Mole (Scapanus Latimanus)The Towsend’s Mole (Scapanus Townsendii)The Coast Mole (Scapanus Orarius)American Shrew Mole (Neurotrichus Gibbsii) 2. Moles Spend Most of Their Time Digging To find the worms and grubs they eat, moles spend much of their time underground. Mole tunnels often follow the contours of man-made features, such as fences and building footings....