In this article, we will compare and contrast the size of the blue whale with the size of the argentinosaurus. We will go over each of these creatures and address their height, weight, and overall lengths. In addition, we will go over their diets and potential predators to see what life is like for both of these giants. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale

Key Differences Between Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale

There are a number of differences between the size of the argentinosaurus and the size of the blue whale. While the argentinosaurus grows longer than the blue whale, the blue whale weighs slightly more on average. In addition, the blue whale has fewer predators compared to the predators alive during the time of the argentinosaurus. Let’s go over all of these important figures in more detail now.

Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale: Length and Height

Both the blue whale and the argentinosaurus are so long that it can be difficult to believe. For example, the argentinosaurus reached an average length of 100 to 130 feet, while the blue whale frequently reaches 80 to 100 feet long. As you can no doubt see, both of these creatures grow to similar lengths, though the argentinosaurus reigns supreme when you consider its very long tail. In terms of height, there’s no question that the argentinosaurus wins as well. Given the fact that the blue whale lives in the sea and the argentinosaurus lived on land, there is a huge difference in their heights. The average blue whale reaches 15 to 16 feet tall, while the average argentinosaurus frequently reached 70 feet tall, according to scientists. That’s as tall as a six storey building compared to the average blue whale’s height.

Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale: Weight

While this number likely changes based on certain research and findings, the blue whale weighs slightly more than the average argentinosaurus. This is likely due to the skeletal structure of both of these creatures, as well as the tail of the argentinosaurus. Given that the argentinosaurus’ length comes from a relatively skinny tail, it would make sense that the blue whale weighs slightly more than this giant dinosaur. For example, the argentinosaurus weighed anywhere from 80-100 tons, while the blue whale weighs 100-110 tons, if not more. The thickness and muscle makeup of the blue whale’s tail keeps this gigantic creature at a higher weight than the argentinosaurus- but this is only based on the fossil records we currently have. Time will tell whether or not the argentinosaurus ever outweighed the average blue whale!

Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale: Diet

You may be wondering: how exactly do the argentinosaurus and the blue whale stay alive in their giant frames!? What do these two gentle giants eat, and how much exactly do they need to eat in order to live to the best of their abilities? While it is unclear how much food the argentinosaurus ate on average, it preferred plants and conifer tree branches, while the blue whale eats krill and plankton. We know the average blue whale eats up to 16 tons of food in a single day, and it is likely that the argentinosaurus ate a similar amount. However, both of these creatures eat a fairly uncomplicated diet overall- they just need to eat a lot to sustain their large sizes!

Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale: Predators

Given the large sizes of both of these creatures, they have very few natural predators. In fact, the blue whale only has humanity as a predator, while the argentinosaurus had a few other dinosaur species to watch out for. However, young blue whales are frequently preyed upon by killer whales or orcas, something worth noting about the blue whale. In terms of the argentinosaurus, scientists speculate that it needed to avoid the giganotosaurus, given its fearsome reputation and size. Additionally, groups or pods of mapusaurus dinosaurs also posed a threat, but only when they worked together. These pack dinosaurs could take down huge creatures working as a crew, but the average argentinosaurus would win against one or two of these smaller predators.

Argentinosaurus vs Blue Whale: Size Comparisons

Now that you know just how large the argentinosaurus and the blue whale are, how do these creatures compare to real life objects in terms of their sizes? Well, for starters, the argentinosaurus is as long as a Boeing 737 jet plane, while the blue whale is nearly 3 school buses in length! Comparisons aside, the blue whale and the argentinosaurus are considered some of the largest creatures to ever grace the earth. They deserve our respect, attention, and awe- no matter the era they existed, these creatures are unbelievable in their sizes!