Keep reading to understand how poisonous mums are to your dog or cat, and what you can do to keep your pets safe.

Are Mums Poisonous To Dogs Or Cats?

There are several species of mums, all of which are deemed poisonous to dogs and cats.Even dried-up mums are harmful to pets. Scientists say mums are only “mildly toxic” to pets when compared to most toxic plants. Despite this, pet owners should still seek immediate medical attention if they notice any of the following toxic effects associated with mums:

VomitingDiarrheaHyper-SalivationDehydrationlack of coordinationdermatitis

These are only a few of the warning indications of toxic effects. Symptoms arise within a few hours in cats. Chrysanthemum may cause skin irritation in pets that are particularly vulnerable. Fortunately, mums are rarely life-threatening.

Why Are Mums Poisonous To Dogs or Cats?

Chrysanthemums contain pyrethrin, a chemical that is harmful to dogs and cats. The plants’ leaves and flower heads contain sesquiterpene lactones (SQL), which can irritate the eyes, nose, and gastrointestinal tract. Pesticides and dog flea and tick products frequently include synthetic pyrethrin, called pyrethroid. Because of the low concentrations, this is commonly assumed to be safe for dogs. However, because of their less efficient liver metabolism routes, cats are more vulnerable to this ingredient. As a result, pyrethroid can be hazardous when administered to cats as part of dog flea treatment solutions.

Can You Keep Mums With Dogs Or Cats Around?

You might be tempted to bring your lovely potted mums inside as the weather gets colder, but if you do, you must make sure to keep these plants separate from your pets. All parts of the chrysanthemum plant, especially the flower heads, are potentially poisonous if swallowed by your pets. This means your dog or cat can potentially be poisoned by mums that grow in your yard, so you should always monitor them when they are near your garden. You can also try laying down bramble stems or prickly matting to dissuade pets from going near the area. Set up a barrier or cage with pegs to provide adequate protection. Though mums are rarely fatal, pet owners should call their veterinarians as soon as possible when symptoms develop or if you witness your pets’ eating mums. Mum poisoning can be severe for your cat or dog, depending on how much they ingest.

What To Do If Your Dog Or Cat Ate Mums

If your dog or cat eats the mum plant, they may get gastrointestinal problems. To relieve your pet’s suffering, take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Based on how much your pet consumed and their clinical indications, we’ll determine the best course of action for them. For mum poisoning, the usual course of action is emesis, fluids, medicine, and observation. The chances of a speedy recovery are good. Toxins don’t stay in the body for very long, so any symptoms your dog or cat might have had should go away within 24 hours with proper treatment. Chrysanthemums are the flower of death. Chrysanthemum flowers are associated with death and mourning in certain European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, France, and Italy. As a result, they are exclusively offered during times of bereavement. White chrysanthemum blossoms are associated with death in Japan.