Comparing an Antelope and a Deer

The 7 Key Differences Between an Antelope vs Deer

The major differences between an antelope and deer include their size, antler morphology, and range. The largest antelope species are larger than the biggest deer species, capable of reaching heights of 9ft in height and 2,000lbs in length. Deer are smaller than antelope, standing about 4ft tall and weighing a maximum of 900lbs. The antlers of a deer are more intricate than those of an antelope since they branch and have many points. Antelope actually have horns instead of antlers, but they do not branch out so they usually only have two points on their entire head. Deer have a larger range than antelope, too. Deer can be found on every continent except Antarctica. However, true antelope cannot be found in the Americas, and they do not roam Australia or large portions of Europe. These key factors represent the greatest differences between antelope and deer.

Antelope vs Deer: Size

Antelope are larger than deer. These animals range in weight from 110lbs to 2,000lbs, and their height can be as diminutive as 3ft tall at the shoulder to 9ft tall. Deer also have many species, so their sizes vary quite a bit. Deer can weigh as little as 22lbs or as much as 900lbs. However, their height usually reaches between 2ft and 4ft at the shoulder. All in all, the average deer is smaller than the average antelope.

Antelope vs Deer: Family

Deer and antelope are not from the same family of animals. Deer come from the family Cervidae, a group that includes elk, moose, reindeer, and the roe deer. However, antelope come from the family Bovidae, and that means they are more closely related to cattle, bison, and buffalo than they are to deer. One of the main differences between these families is their antlers, and we’ll cover that difference shortly.

Antelope vs Deer: Speed

Antelopes are faster than deer. Of course, it depends on species, but the fastest antelope is faster than the fastest deer. The top speed of an antelope is 55 mph, but the fastest deer will reach about 40mph when sprinting. Interestingly, it’s not just the speed of the antelope that is so impressive. They have incredible stamina that is designed to help them outrun and outlast predators such as cheetahs and lions. Although cheetahs are certainly faster than antelopes, if an antelope can start running first, a cheetah won’t waste its closing speed to bring it down.

Antelope vs Deer: Antler Morphology

Antelopes have horns and deer have antlers. Although these structures may seem the same, they’re very different. An antelope’s horns do not branch off or have multiple points. Instead, the horns grow several inches long or a few feet long throughout the course of the antelope’s life. Often, they’ll grow straight up from the antelope’s head, or they may curve backward. Deer antlers are far more complex-looking. They can branch off into several different points and rapidly grow throughout the year. These are used to fight other deer and fend off predators. The deer’s antlers aren’t likely to grow as long as an antelope’s horns, but they’re still beautiful and ornate.

Antelope vs Deer: Keeps Antlers All Year

Antelope keep their horns throughout the year, but deer lose their antlers every year for the most part. The horns of an antelope grow continuously, becoming larger throughout their lives. However, deer grow their antlers from the spring until the fall, and they shed them in the winter when their bodies must conserve energy. In the spring, deer begin to regrow their antlers.

Antelope vs Deer: Number of Species

More species of antelope exist than species of deer. Roughly 91 species of antelope have been recognized, and many of them come from Africa. About 43 species of deer exist, and they originate from many places around the world.

Antelope vs Deer: Range

The range of deer is larger than the range of antelope. Deer live throughout the world, and they can be found on every continent in some form except for Antarctica. However, antelope have a somewhat limited range that includes Africa and parts of Eurasia. They’re not present in Europe or the Americas. Although the pronghorn may bear a resemblance to antelope, the fact remains that this “American antelope” is not an antelope at all. Pronghorns come from a completely different family called the Antilocapridae. Thus, no true antelopes live in the Americas. Antelope and deer are very different animals when you start to look at their differences. From the horns and antlers on the top of their heads to the number of species each animal has in its family, both creatures are unique. Telling them apart at a distance can be a challenge. If you saw two females of the species or a deer that had recently shed its antlers, you might be hard-pressed to decide which animal you were looking at.