In this article, we will compare and contrast Anatolian shepherds and Kangals so that you can decide for yourself whether or not they are indeed the same dog or different. Either way, they are powerful guard dogs and protectors of their land- let’s learn more about these dogs now!

Comparing Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal

Key Differences Between Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal

There are a few subtle differences between Anatolian shepherds and Kangal dogs. The primary difference between them has to do with their purebred status and recognition as individual breeds. While many people claim that Anatolian shepherds and Kangals are the same, those who live and own these dogs in the Kangal district of Turkey recognize the Kangal as its own separate breed. By studying both of these dogs closely, there are some differences in their temperaments, physical appearances, and lifespans. Let’s talk more about these differences in more detail now.

Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal: Purebred Status and History

There is much debate regarding the purebred status of an Anatolian shepherd vs Kangal. While the AKC recognizes Anatolian shepherds as purebred dogs, they do not acknowledge Kangal dogs as their own breed; they consider Kangals the same as Anatolian shepherds. The UKC recognizes Anatolian shepherds and Kangals as individual dogs that you can own.  Studies show that Kangal dogs are indeed their own specific breed, and this is evident when compared to the physical description of an Anatolian shepherd. While they are extremely similar dogs, there are some differences between them. We’ll touch more on this later. The most interesting difference between these two dog breeds is that the Kangal dog is a prized dog for residents in Turkey. While Kangal dogs are bred in the US, much like Anatolian shepherds, many Kangal lovers believe that these dogs are only considered purebred Kangals if they come from Turkey. 

Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal: Physical Appearance

There are some subtle physical differences When comparing an Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal. While both of these dogs appear similar enough to be the same breed, the Kangal is often larger and weighs more than the Anatolian shepherd. However, the size and weight differences for these dogs usually amounts to an inch and a few pounds, making the difference extremely subtle.  However, given how prized Kangal dogs are in Turkey, they have extremely specific colors and appearances that they must live up to in order to be considered purebred Kangals. For the most part, Anatolian shepherds are found in a wide variety of colors, while Kangals have a very specific brown shade and facial colorings.  The coat texture is also different between Anatolian shepherds and Kangal dogs. Anatolian shepherds usually have more fur around their neck and a longer coat in general, while Kangal dogs have short coats. Kangals also have a coarse top coat and a luxurious under coat, while Anatolian shepherds have a coat that feels the same way from top to bottom. 

Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal: Lifespan

Another potential difference between an Anatolian shepherd vs Kangal is their life span. While both of these dogs are large, they are extremely healthy breeds and both live over 10 years. However, Kangals outlive Anatolian shepherds slightly on average. Anatolian shepherds live 10-13 years, while Kangals live 12-15 years, depending on their level of care. Again, this difference is extremely subtle, but it is worth mentioning. Many of you may prefer a Kangal over an Anatolian shepherd, and I don’t blame you! However, given the Kangal dog’s rarity, these puppies tend to cost more than an Anatolian shepherd overall, so this is something to keep in mind if you want to bring one of these dogs into your home.

Anatolian Shepherd vs Kangal: Temperament

A final difference between an Anatolian shepherd vs Kangal is their temperaments. While both of these dogs are bred for hard work and protection, the Kangal is largely considered to be better with people when compared to an Anatolian shepherd. But this isn’t to say that an Anatolian shepherd isn’t friendly– their independence has simply been observed more than the independence of Kangals. Both of these large breeds need ample exercise and good nutrition, but the Kangal is more likely to enjoy spending time with many members of your family. An Anatolian shepherd enjoys the company of its master, but tends to be too busy protecting its land otherwise!