We’re going to examine each of these animals from several perspectives and see which of them has what it takes to kill the other two!

Comparing an Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra

What Are Key Differences Between an Anaconda, a Komodo Dragon, and a King Cobra?

The greatest differences between an anaconda, Komodo dragon, and a king cobra are their size, morphology, and methods of attack. Anacondas are large snakes that can weigh up to 500lbs and constrict their prey; Komodo dragons are large monitor lizards weighing up to 300lbs that exsanguinate their victims; king cobras are long snakes that reach lengths of 19ft but weigh 15lbs and use deadly venom to dispatch their foes. These animals have very few similarities despite two of them being snakes and all of them being reptiles. Nevertheless, we’re going to take a closer look at the advantages that each animal has when they enter this fight. By looking at all the important factors, we’ll know the winner.

What Are the Key Factors in a Fight Between an Anaconda, Komodo Dragon, and King Cobra?

How can we decide the winner of a battle between an anaconda, Komodo dragon, and king cobra? We must examine several different elements of these creatures. By examining and comparing their size, speed, attacking methods, and other factors, we’ll have a complete look at all three animals. Using that information, we can see which of them is deadliest and could successfully defeat the other two.

Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra: Size

The anaconda is larger than the Komodo dragon and king cobra, weighing up to 550lbs, growing 22ft long, and having a diameter of about 1ft. The Komodo dragon is the next largest animal, weighing upwards of 300lbs, standing 2ft tall, and measuring up to 10ft long including its tail. The king cobra is a long snake that weighs 15lbs and grows up to 19ft long.   The anaconda has a serious size advantage over both creatures, but the Komodo dragon is also large and powerful.

Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra: Speed and Movement

The Komodo dragon is faster than the king cobra and anaconda. The Komodo dragon can reach a top speed of 11 mph, but the two snakes can only move at about 5 mph over short distances. The anaconda and Komodo dragon are both swift in the water too. The Komodo dragon is the fastest animal of the three.

Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra: Attacking Methods

All three creatures have powerful methods of attack. The anaconda waits for its prey beneath the water and then lunges forth to bite at the enemy. Once it has latched on, it will start wrapping around the prey, constricting it while pulling it into the water in some cases. The Komodo dragon is the world’s deadliest lizard and a highly dangerous killer. The lizard has a form of venom that increases blood flow from the wounds it causes by biting and tearing into its prey. The Komodo dragon has no qualms about eating an animal while it is still alive. The king cobra is deadly, capable of issuing a single bite that has enough venom to kill 11 human beings or even an elephant. The snake’s massive venom delivery is aided by its ability to lift its body off the ground and strike tall creatures and small ones alike. All the animals are capable of attacking and killing their prey in dominant fashions.

Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra: Physical Defenses

The Komodo dragon has very good physical defenses against enemy attacks. The lizard’s skin is scaly and reinforced with osteoderms, bony deposits that help to avoid damage like bites from other creatures. These lizards also use their speed as a form of defense. The anaconda has its very large size, ability to swim in the water, and camouflage to keep it safe from harm and allow it to strike from cover. The king cobra does not have many great defenses. The animal has a threat display that scares off other creatures that know what it means, but it only has its speed to protect its light, relatively slow body from harm.   The Komodo dragon has the best defenses of all the animals.

Anaconda vs Komodo Dragon vs King Cobra: Predatory Behavior

Anacondas and king cobras are ambush predators. They wait until the opportune moment to attack their foes. The anaconda wraps up its prey and destroys its circulatory and respiratory systems while sometimes dragging its prey into the water. The king cobra attacks with a powerful venom that leaves its foes dead in just a few minutes in most cases. However, larger creatures can live for a longer time after sustaining a bite. Very few animals are resistant to the king cobra’s venom, and none of the competitors in this fight will be. The Komodo dragon is an opportunistic predator that uses an ambush to start the fight, but it also harries prey if it doesn’t land a swift kill. Although they do ambush their prey, they have no problem using persistence predation to wear down and bleed out their foes over time. All these animals are great predators, so nobody is getting an advantage in this situation.  

Who Would Win in a Fight Between an Anaconda, a Komodo Dragon, and a King Cobra?

The anaconda would win a fight against a Komodo dragon and a king cobra. However, the large snake would not fight all the foes at once. The chances are good that neither the Komodo dragon nor the king cobra would want to attack the anaconda to start the fight, so the battle would start between the Komodo dragon vs king cobra. In this case, the Komodo dragon has the speed, defenses, and power to take down the king cobra. The snake may land a bite, but it might not penetrate the scales and osteoderms. Even if it does, the Komodo dragon has the aggressiveness to end the fight with a few swift bites of its own. That leaves just the Komodo dragon vs anaconda. We’ve seen this fight before, and it doesn’t go well for an adult Komodo dragon against an adult anaconda. If the Komodo dragon has already been envenomated, the fight is going to be short. It won’t have the power to resist those initial bites by the anaconda as it grabs onto the lizard’s body and starts to wrap around it. Even if the Komodo dragon is healthy, it can’t do enough damage to the large snake before it wraps it up in a deadly embrace. Of course, the fight could start with the king cobra vs anaconda matchup. In that case, the anaconda probably still comes away alive. The larger snake would kill the cobra and then the Komodo dragon in succession. In this case, the king cobra could land a bite on the Komodo dragon and the anaconda. Either the anaconda or the Komodo dragon would finish the cobra before battling each other. This would be a battle of the wills, that likely ends with the anaconda wrapped around the lizard, unable to eat it as they both succumb to venom.