In this article, we will compare and contrast two different types of alocasia plants so that you can determine which one is best for your home. We will go over the physical differences of both the alocasia dragon scale and the alocasia silver dragon so that you can tell them apart upon first glance. Let’s get started and talk all about the beautiful alocasia plant now!

Comparing Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon

Key Differences Between Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon

There are a few key differences between alocasia dragon scale and alocasia silver dragon. For example, the leaves of the dragon scale are darker in color compared to the leaves of the silver dragon. In addition, the silver dragon has slightly less texture to its leaves compared to the ribbed dragon scale leaves. Finally, the silver dragon is considered more rare compared to the dragon scale plant. Let’s address all of these differences in more detail now.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon: Classification

While it may come as a surprise given their distinct leaf colorations, the alocasia dragon scale and the alocasia silver dragon are directly related to one another. They are both varieties of the same alocasia plant species, known as alocasia baginda. This technically makes the dragon scale and silver dragon sibling plants, as they are both descended from the alocasia baginda.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon: Description

You can easily tell the difference between an alocasia dragon scale and an alocasia silver dragon based on their leaves. However, both of these plants are nearly identical in almost all other ways. For example, the dragon scale reaches up to three feet in height, as does the silver dragon. They both have unique heart-shaped leaves that grow quite large for their size. However, the leaves of the alocasia dragon scale have a more unique texture compared to the leaves of the alocasia silver dragon. In addition, the alocasia silver dragon has light gray or green leaves with silver or white markings, while the dragon scale has leaves that are a rich, dark green. The veins of the dragon scale plant are black or dark in color, while the silver dragon plant remains lighter overall.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon: Uses

Both the alocasia dragon scale and the alocasia silver dragon have identical uses. They are both prized by alocasia plant enthusiasts for their beautiful and unique colors. They also reach a small enough size that you can plant them in a variety of ways, including keeping them in your small home. You can grow both of these plants indoors, though they aren’t for the beginning gardener or houseplant owner. Let’s talk about how to best care for these plants now.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon: Origin and How to Grow

Both the alocasia dragon scale and the silver dragon plant originated in Borneo. Growing along the filtered forest floors, both of these alocasia varieties prefer dappled or indirect light, though they will also both reach for sunlight if they aren’t getting enough. In addition, both the dragon scale and the silver dragon prefer a planting medium made up of many different, well-draining ingredients.

Alocasia Dragon Scale vs Silver Dragon: Special Features

As you can no doubt tell, both the dragon scale and silver dragon varieties of alocasia plant are popular, for a number of reasons. Both of these varieties are special and highly prized, though the silver dragon may indeed be a rarer variety compared to the dragon scale. Given the competition surrounding these plants, they often have a high price tag. However, given the fact that they thrive in humid environments, purchasing a small dragon scale or silver dragon plant for your terrarium is guaranteed to liven it up!