One of the most common “weird” behaviors that cats do is “make biscuits.” Content cats tend to knead to express their delight. When being caressed or snuggled into a resting position, cats frequently knead. Your cat could knead on your lap to express her affection and satisfaction, then sink in for a cuddle or a snooze. Kneading might help an anxious cat relax and unwind.  Something else strange that felines do that they have in common with dogs is eating grass! To increase its vitamin levels, a cat may munch on grass. Grass includes folic acid, a vitamin that aids in the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream. Many experts feel that eating grass might help soothe sore throats, while others say that cats just love the flavor and texture. Drooling simply indicates that your cat is really comfortable and pleased with you. It’s similar to how people drool when they’re fully relaxed and falling asleep. Drooling before feeding times or when getting their favorite snacks out of the cabinet is usually nothing to be concerned about. Has your cat ever stared behind you at an empty wall? For all we know, he could be spotting Casper the ghost, but experts say otherwise. Unlike humans, cats have more rod cells, which allows them to detect dim light and track motions. Cats can detect small insects that we can’t, so it may appear as if they’re looking at nothing while there’s a swarm of bugs in front of them. We don’t know which is more unsettling: a ghost or a swarm of tiny insects! Want to know more about our feline friends’ strange and peculiar behaviors? Take a look at our detailed guide of blogs we’ve curated just for you! We invite you to check back frequently to read new articles as we add them to the table.