In this article, we will go over everything you need to know about the Akita and the German Shepherd, including their appearances so that you can learn how to tell them apart upon first glance. We will also discuss their ancestries and behaviors in case you are interested in adopting either of these two breeds. Let’s get started now! 

Comparing Akita vs German Shepherd

Key Differences Between Akita vs German Shepherd

There are many key differences between Akitas and German Shepherds. Overall, Akitas grow larger than German Shepherds in weight and height, though these figures often overlap. Additionally, the Akita originated in Japan, while the German Shepherd originated in Germany. Finally, the Akita is typically more difficult to train compared to the eager German Shepherd.  Let’s take a closer look at all these differences now. 

Akita vs German Shepherd: Size

The sizes of the Akita and a German Shepherd often overlap, making it difficult to tell them apart based on this fact alone. However, the Akita has a higher maximum weight compared to the German Shepherd, regardless of gender. They are also taller than German Shepherds, but let’s take a closer look at the figures in detail now.  The average Akita grows anywhere from 24 to 28 inches tall, while the German Shepherd reaches 22 to 27 inches tall. Additionally, German Shepherds weigh anywhere from 75 to 90 pounds on average, while the Akita reaches 70 to 130 pounds, depending on gender. As you can see, these dogs are very close in terms of their size, but the Akita grows larger overall. 

Akita vs German Shepherd: Appearance

Despite their obvious size similarities, there are a number of differences in the appearance of the Akita vs the appearance of the German Shepherd. For example, the Akita comes in more colors compared to the German Shepherd, though both breeds have very specific purebred requirements that must be met.  In addition, the fur of the Akita appears fluffier and appearance compared to the coarse coat of the German Shepherd. Both of these dogs have erect and triangular ears, though the tail of the Akita curls more than the straight tail of the German Shepherd. Finally, the Akita has a much rounder face compared to the long-snouted German Shepherd.

Akita vs German Shepherd: Ancestry and Breeding

In case you didn’t know it already, there are some significant differences between the Akita and the German Shepherd when it comes to their ancestry. For example, the Akita originated sometime during the 17th century and in Japan, while the German Shepherd originated in Germany during the 19th century. In addition, the German Shepherd was originally bred for herding and a variety of jobs such as military or police work, while the Akita was originally bred for hunting. In fact, the Akita was prized by the wealthy and various royal families for their fantastic hunting abilities, while the German Shepherd was a dog valued by a number of different types of people. 

Akita vs German Shepherd: Behavior

There are many similarities in the behaviors of the Akita vs the behaviors of the German Shepherd. Both of these dogs are alert and wary of strangers, making them fantastic guard dogs. They both exhibit stubbornness during training, though the Akita is often more stubborn compared to the eager German Shepherd. The stubbornness is likely due to the high intelligence of both of these dog breeds, especially with the German Shepherd. While these dogs enjoy working and learning new tasks, the German Shepherd prefers constant stimulation and learning new things compared to the more steadfast Akita. Either way, consistent training and a firm hand will help both of these dogs thrive in a variety of situations. 

Akita vs German Shepherd: Lifespan

Given that both of these dogs are similar in size, both the Akita and German Shepherd have nearly identical life spans. For example, both the Akita and a German Shepherd live an average of 10 to 14 years, depending on the individual health of the dog. However, the German Shepherd typically has more health problems compared to the average Akita.