
In January the first shark attack of the year in Florida occurred on January 22, off the largest island in the Dry Tortuga’s, Loggerhead Key.

  1. Heather West, 42-year-old, 1/22/22 West was snorkeling at the Little Africa Reef with friends near an uninhabited island when she was bitten by a 6-foot-long lemon shark. The shark grabbed her foot and held on, but Heather fought back and was able to escape. Ligaments and tendons in her foot were damaged due to the bite wound and she was taken to the hospital for treatment. Lemon sharks are not typically dangerous and only account for 10 unprovoked attacks over the years the ISAF has been keeping records. They can get to be 8-10 feet long so they are a medium-sized shark.


There was only one shark attack in Florida in February, this time it was at Cocoa Beach on the east coast of Florida. 2) Gene Menchara-Lopez, 18-year-old, 2/11/22 Lifeguards called 911 when they saw Menchara-Lopez yelling in the water. A shark had bit his foot and medics were able to treat the wound on shore. He was taken to the hospital but he didn’t think he needed further help. It is unknown what kind of shark it was.


March is when Spring Break is and the weather starts to warm along the coasts of Florida. With an increase number of beach goers there is always an increased risk for accidents. There were four shark attacks in Florida in March 2022. The first three were all at New Smyrna Beach! 3) Male, 21-year-old, 3/9/22 New Smyrna Beach, fishing, Blacktip shark 4) Male, 20-year-old, 3/13/22 New Smyrna Beach, swimming 5) Eric String, 20-year-old, 3/19/22 New Smyrna Beach, surfing 6) Male, 50-year-old, 3/31/22 Lake Worth Beach, Palm Beach County, fishing


There were only two attacks in April, one at Highland Beach in Palm Beach County and one in the Keys at Whale Harbor. 7) Male, teenager, 4/11/22 Highland Beach, Palm Beach County, swimming 8) Male, 56-year-old, 4/17/22 An unidentified 56-year-old was bitten on his lower leg while swimming off a sandbar in Whale Harbor near Windley Key. He was able to alert a passing Coast Guard Ship that rescued him and brought him to shore where medical professionals were waiting. They quickly tended to the 8-inch gash on his leg.

May 0 Shark Attacks in Florida


In June there was a senior woman attacked by a bull shark at Redington Shores Beach and there were 2 separate attacks in the keys, both to women. The second attack was very serious requiring multiple surgeries, but the victim was expected make a full recovery. 9) Woman, senior, 6/23/22 Redington Shores Beach, wading, bull shark 10) Addison Bethea, 17-year-old, 6/29/22 Keaton Beach, near Grassy Island, looking for scallops, bull shark 11) Lindsey Bruns, 35-year-old, 6/29/22 Lindsey is the victim that suffered a severe bite to her leg while she was swimming with her family at Sawyer Beach. She was swimming off the side of the boat when she was bitten in the leg. Her husband was able to get her back into the boat, apply pressure to the wound and drive the boat 20 minutes to shore. The medical team had to give her a blood transfusion on the way to the hospital due to blood loss. Bruns had to have several surgeries over the next couple of days to repair the battered leg. After a week she was sent home and expected to recover. What a scary incident!


Whoa, July had the most shark attacks in Florida so far for 2022. There were 7 different attacks, but the good news is most of them were minor attacks, some only requiring basic first aid. The first two were at New Smyrna Beach again. Either there is one aggressive shark at that beach making multiple attacks or it is an unlucky year for New Smyrna beach-goers. Here is the list: 12) Male, 28-year-old, 7/3/22 New Smyrna Beach, swimming 13) Male, 30-year-old, 7/10/22 New Smyrna Beach, surfing 14) Tasa Summers, 40-year-old, 7/16/22 Daytona Beach, wading 15) Male, 7/17/2022 Florida Keys, fishing, lemon shark 16) Male, 33-year-old, 7/25/2022 Daytona Beach, standing in waist deep water 17) Fischer Hricko, 13-year-old, 7/27/2022 Florida Keys, swimming, nurse shark 18) Male, 7/30/2022 Jacksonville, swimming


There has only been one shark attack in Florida in August so far (as of August 17) but it is a tragic incident. Here is the story: 19) Jameson Reeder Jr., 10-year-old, 8/13/2022 According to CNN, Jameson was snorkeling in the Florida Keys with his parents and sibling when a shark thrashed at him biting his leg right below the knee. He clung to a floating noodle while his parents pulled him into the boat and immediately applied a tourniquet to the leg. They flagged down another boat that was able to speed him to shore where medical team was waiting. They airlifted him to the children’s hospital in Miami. The good news is the boy survived but his Uncle updated everyone on Facebook stating that the doctors had to amputate Jameson’s leg below the knee to save his life. The family thinks it was a bull shark that bit the boy. Bull sharks are the third most common shark involved in shark attacks including 26 unprovoked fatal attacks. Luckily there have not been any fatal attacks in Florida so far in 2022 and as summer winds down hopefully the number of shark attacks will taper off as well.