What ocean is New York near?

The ocean that a state is located on is one of the most important factors in determining the types of sharks that live in the area. New York is on the east coast of the United States, although most of the state is landlocked. The portion of land touching the ocean, however, is small. That region is mostly restricted to New York City and Long Island. Both New York City and Long Island are on the Atlantic Ocean. Moreso, they are located in the region known as the North Atlantic. The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world and has a staggering number of creatures. Let’s explore some of the most common sharks you are likely to find around New York City and Long Island.

8 Sharks in New York Waters

Basking shark

Basking sharks are interesting sharks in that they are actually filter feeders. These large fish are among the largest sharks in the world but are totally harmless to humans. They feed near the surface of the water and primarily eat small crustaceans, krill, and tiny zooplankton. Basking sharks can be recognized from their massive gaping mouth and brown-grey skin. They can grow to 40 feet long.

Blue shark

Blue sharks are beautiful sharks that get their name from the blue color they have across their back. They are occasionally caught by anglers and reach up to 12.5 feet long at their largest. Although there are a few documented attacks, these sharks are more curious and attracted to food than anything. Blue sharks have a blue sheen on their backs, are extremely long and slender, and have pointed heads and long tails.

Dusky shark

Dusky sharks are larger sharks that can be seen in coastal and offshore regions. They are known to grow up to 14 feet long, and they get their name from the dusky orange color of their skin. Since these sharks are large, they can be a threat to humans. Dusky sharks can be identified by their stout bodies and orange color.

Great white shark

Great white sharks are probably the most famous of any shark on our list. They are also known as white sharks or great whites, and they are generally considered to be the largest predatory sharks in the world. Great whites can be found along the coast and offshore, and the coast of Long Island is often used as a nursery habitat during the warm months. Of any shark in the world, great whites have the most recorded attacks and fatalities. Great white sharks can grow over 18 feet long, and they have a dark gray back with a light-colored belly.

Mako shark

The mako shark is known as the fastest shark in the world. They are rarely seen in coastal regions and instead prefer offshore habitats. Their speed allows them to hunt tuna, swordfish, and squid. Mako sharks can grow up to 13 feet long, making them formidable predators. Since they aren’t normally around humans, attacks are rare.

Thresher shark

Thresher sharks get their name from their massive tail that is used to swim incredibly fast, but there are also reports of them stunning fish with it. These sharks can grow pretty long, although much of their length can be attributed to their tails. They are generally wary of humans and aren’t considered to be dangerous. The best way to identify thresher sharks is from their massive tail fin. They can grow up to 25 feet long, including the tail.

Sand tiger shark

Sand tiger sharks are incredibly scary-looking sharks, although they are generally a docile species with no recorded deaths resulting from an attack. They eat larger fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans and can grow up to 10.5 feet long. Sand tiger sharks have jagged teeth that can be seen protruding from their mouths.

Sandbar shark

Sandbar sharks, otherwise known as brown sharks, can be found in coastal and offshore regions. They generally prey on bottom-dwelling fish like flounder, dogfish, and blue crab. These sharks can reach 8 feet in length, and they rarely attack humans. Still, they are often seen due to their prevalence in coastal regions where humans often hang out. Sandbar sharks have a prominent dorsal fin and a brownish color that helps them blend in with sand.

Are there shark attacks in New York?

Although there are many species of shark in the waters around New York, actual attacks are rare. In fact, fatal attacks in New York are so rare that there have only been 12 documented examples of shark attacks in the state, with only 6 of them being fatal. Incredibly, the last fatal shark attack in the area was in 1926, nearly 100 years ago.