Dogs must be wearing current rabies and identification tags at all times.Dogs must be leashed before entering and exiting the fenced area. Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed from the park immediately. Users are legally responsible for injuries inflicted by their dogs. Children under the age of 10 years are prohibited from entering the fenced area of the dog park. All minors must be supervised by an adult. Puppies under four months of age, female dogs in heat, more than two dogs per handler, and any dog that exhibits or has a history of aggressive behavior are not permitted in the dog park. 

Nashville is a beautiful city with lots of nature and culture to be seen. While there are many dog parks found in the city, this article lists the best eight dog parks we’ve found in Nashville.

1. BarkPark

BarkPark is a small dog park located in northern Nashville. This park may be small, but it offers so much for you and your pup! There’s a small shop where you can buy yourself and your pooch a treat or even a new toy. There are multiple places for you to sit and enjoy a nice snack or drink while your furry friends run around and play. This dog park is fenced off and has a few large trees that provide ample shade. The picnic tables available for use are also covered, so you don’t have to sit in the hot sun. The landscape is pretty grassy, but it can be more dirt than grass during the summer. During the warmer months, the park also offers a sprinkler pad so your dogs can stay cool. There is no parking lot specifically for BarkPark, but there is street parking and a parking lot at McFerrin Park right down the street. This park stays pretty busy throughout the week, but the middle of the week tends to be less busy.

2. Edwin Warner Dog Park

Edwin Warner Dog Park is located in the southwestern area of Nashville. This dog park is found right down the road from Percy Warner Park. This is a fairly large park that is fenced off, though there are no separate areas for small and large dogs, which may be an issue if your dog doesn’t get along with small or large breeds.  The landscape is mostly dirt with large patches of grass spread throughout, which means your pup will probably get a bit dirty, especially after rainy days. There are a few trees inside the park. Most of the trees are on the other side of the fence but are close enough to offer shade. There are also a few benches spread throughout. Some are under trees, and there are a few canopied picnic benches outside the dog area near the entrance.  Edwin Warner Park is large and offers a beautiful view of nearby hills and trees. This park tends to be pretty busy during the weekends, from late morning to early evening. Weekdays tend to stay pretty slow until the evening when the park gets a bit busier. 

3. Gulch Dog Park

Gulch Dog Park is located in central Nashville in a neighborhood known as “The Gulch.” This park is pretty small but is one of the few dog parks you can find within the central city of Nashville. There are two separate areas; one for small dogs and one for large dogs, though both areas are quite small. This park is located in the middle of the city, and you get free parking for an hour so you can have enough time to let your pup play.  Gulch Dog Park has mulch/wood chips as its landscaping, with one or two trees and some large rocks for the dogs to climb on. The park also provides doggy bags and trash cans near the entrance. The busiest days are usually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, from early afternoon to evening. Weekdays are typically slower; the park stays pretty empty most of the day but can get busy in the late afternoon. 

4. Shelby Dog Park

Shelby Dog Park is located in eastern Nashville in Shelby Park. This is a fairly large fenced-in dog park that has a grass/dirt landscape, with a few large trees spread throughout. Due to the dirt landscaping, your pup will probably get dirty, and after rainy days, the park can get slightly muddy. This park offers a beautiful view of nature, as it is located near a small lake. There are also trails nearby, so you can take your dog for a walk and appreciate the local nature.  Inside the park, there is a circle of benches for owners to use while their pooch plays. There are plenty of doggy bags so patrons can help keep the park clean for others to enjoy. This park also has a dog water fountain, so owners don’t have to worry about their furry friends becoming dehydrated. Shelby Dog Park is typically busiest on Sunday afternoons, and the rest of the week tends to stay slow.   

5. Fair Park Dog Park

Fair Park Dog Park is located in downtown Nashville in the southwest corner of Fair Park. This is a mid-sized park landscaped with concrete, gravel, and astroturf. Astroturf is a great option for dog parks, so your pooch can still play during or after a rainy day, and you don’t have to worry about taking home a muddy pup. This dog park has plenty of seating areas, some with shade and some without shade. Owners can sit and relax while the dogs socialize and play. There are separate areas for small dogs and large dogs, with a few pieces of agility equipment spread throughout.  This dog park is located pretty close to main roads and a train track, so it can get pretty loud. If your dogs are sensitive to loud noises, it might be best to visit this park in the morning or evening. Fair Park Dog Park is busy throughout most of the week, but Mondays and Tuesdays stay pretty slow.    

6. Stones River Dog Park

Stones River Dog Park is located in eastern Nashville next to Percy Priest Lake Park. The park’s landscape is a mix of concrete, grass, and pea-sized gravel. This is a mid-sized fenced-in area that has a double gate to help owners let their dogs get used to the other dogs in the park and let them off their leash.  There are a few shaded benches and picnic tables around the area. The park also provides doggy bags and trash cans so dog owners can help keep the park clean and fun for everyone. There is a water fountain inside the dog area that provides children, adults, and dogs their own spout and a small kiddie pool for dogs to play in.   Stones River Dog Park is loved by locals but tends to stay pretty empty most of the week. Sundays are typically the busiest days, while the rest of the week is usually slow. This dog park is in a beautiful location surrounded by nature with a dam right next to it, making it a worthy visit!

7. Centennial Dog Park

Centennial Dog Park is located near central Nashville on the western end of Centennial Park. This dog park is a very large fenced area with a grass and dirt landscape. There are lots of large trees spread throughout the park, providing plenty of shade. The park also has a water fountain for your pups and some doggy bowls you can use if the water fountain isn’t on. Centennial Dog Park provides benches and picnic tables so owners can sit and relax while their pooch plays. The park is pretty busy on the weekends, but due to its large size, there’s always plenty of room for your dogs to run and play. Outside the dog area in Centennial Park, there is so much to do and see, including a museum, walking trails, and ponds.

8. Two Rivers Dog Park

Two Rivers Dog Park is located in the northeastern area of Nashville on the north end of Two Rivers Park. This large fenced area has more than enough space for your pups to play and socialize. The landscape at this dog park is a mix of concrete, grass, and dirt, which means it can get muddy during and after rainy days. This park has multiple benches and picnic tables underneath canopies along the concrete walkway. There are multiple large and mid-sized trees around the park that provide plenty of shade. This park has garbage cans spread throughout, and it provides doggy bags near most of the trash cans to make it easy to pick up after your pup. Two Rivers Dog Park is very large, so even when it’s busy, there’s always more than enough space for your pooch to play and run around. The busiest day is typically Sunday (from early afternoon to early evening), but the weekdays are always pretty slow. This park is one of the largest and most beautiful dog parks found in Nashville and is definitely worth a visit.