When we’re finished, you’ll know how big these spiders get, if they are dangerous to humans, and what they look like!

What Are the Biggest Spiders in Maryland?

Spiders can vary a great deal in terms of their size, even in the same species. Males are frequently smaller than females, and they have different colorations. While we’re going to present information about the biggest spiders in Maryland, it’s important to remember that the one you encounter may not look exactly like what we describe. Also, you shouldn’t try to handle any wild animals you’re not completely familiar with. With that in mind, let’s start counting down some of the largest spiders you’ll find in this state!

5. Southern House Spider

The southern house spider often appears in the southern portions of Maryland, and it lives up to its name. This spider is often discovered in small cracks in homes and outbuildings, usually in high places where flying bugs will frequent. Sometimes, southern house spiders are confused with brown recluses. After all, they’re brown and may have a bulbous abdomen. They are usually a light brown color with velvety hair on their abdomens and long legs. However, these spiders are not nearly as dangerous as brown recluses. They may appear aggressive because they will often crawl in areas without noticing if humans or other predators are occupying the area first. They rarely bite people, though. If they do inflict a bite, it may cause pain and swelling at the site.  

4. Long-Bodied Cellar Spider

The cellar spider is a frequent member on the lists of the biggest spiders in states on the East Coast. This creepy crawly spider lurks in garages, basements, barns, and other places that don’t have a lot of foot traffic. Cellar spiders are easily identified by their body shape and legs. They have a peanut-shaped body that is translucent. However, they have a generally tan, brown, or grayish color to them, along with several markings on their bodies. The cellar spider is typically called a daddy long legs in some regions, but that name also refers to the harvestman, a completely different arachnid. Either way, this spider poses no threat to human beings if it bites them. A bite could cause some pain and a burning sensation. However, you shouldn’t put any stock into the mistaken belief that the cellar spider is deadly. It is not.  

3. Wolf Spider

Technically, Hogna baltimoriana isn’t the largest wolf spider to live in Maryland, but this species is named for the city, so how could we exclude it? This wolf spider measures up to 2 inches long, and it is not your typical web-slinging arachnid. Instead, wolf spiders will lie in wait for prey to come by. Then, they will chase it down and consume the creature on the spot! Wolf spiders have light color and dark patterns along their body. Usually, these spiders are light brown or gray, but they can be darker shades, too. They have a series of black marks on their cephalothorax and a black pattern in the middle of their abdomen. Moreover, they have light markings behind the eyes situated highest on their “head.” Although they are aggressive toward their prey, wolf spiders are not dangerous to humans. If they bite someone, the individual will suffer some pain, redness, and swelling.

2. Black and Yellow Garden Spider

The female black and yellow garden spider has a rather large body that can measure about ¾ of an inch long or more. However, when you add in their leg length, these spiders are some of the biggest spiders in Maryland. The female is easily identified by the silvery cephalothorax and the patterns of yellow, black, and gray on its back. Furthermore, their long legs are brownish red near the body and then become banded with black and yellow along the body. You’ll also notice that these spiders make a large web that can be a few feet in diameter. These webs feature an extra thick, zig-zag pattern in them called a stabilimentum. These spiders are often referred to as the “writing spider” for that pattern. If you harass one of these spiders, they may bite you. However, their bites are about as severe as a bee sting unless the individual has allergies to the spider’s venom.

1. Dark Fishing Spider

The dark fishing spider is the biggest spider in Maryland, measuring over 4 inches long, including its legspan. These spiders are usually found in wooded areas near water. They are expert hunters that feast on a variety of different creatures, including aquatic insects. The dark fishing spider is brown or even a reddish brown. It has dark brown patterns across the entire body. Its legs have black markings before giving way to light and dark brown bands at the ends. This large spider is not very dangerous to humans. They are reluctant to bite people, preferring to flee. However, their bites are said to be similar to a bee sting, causing swelling and pain in the afflicted area. It’s best to leave these spiders alone. We’ve identified some of the biggest spiders in Maryland, but let’s take a moment to talk about the most dangerous. Rather than worry about any of the spiders on this list, you must watch out for the brown recluse and the black widow spiders. If you see them, do not try to handle them. Either exterminate them, leave them alone, or call a specialist to handle them for you.

Up Next:

The 7 Biggest Spiders in FloridaThe 7 Biggest Spiders in New JerseyThe 5 Biggest Spiders in Delaware