Why do dogs lick your feet?

There are actually a number of reasons why your dog likes to lick your feet. Here are the top candidates:

Feet have a lot of odors!

Even if you think your feet are clean and odor-free, your dog will still be able to detect some remaining scents. There is a lot of biological information on your feet including pheromones. These are a type of chemical emitted from the body that has the power to alter the behavior of another animal. In fact, feet are like pheromone factories! Bearing in mind that your dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times more sensitive than yours, it is no wonder that they are so fascinated by your feet.

Feet are salty

The feet are one of the sweatiest parts of the human body. Human sweat contains a lot of salts including sodium chloride which is the type of salt that we add to our food. Our furry friends love the taste of salt. So, it is no wonder they like to lick our feet.

Saying ‘I love you’

Dogs show affection by licking. They learn this from the Mom dog when they are pups. So, your dog may simply be saying that they love you when they are giving your feet a lick.

Getting attention

Most humans will respond to foot licking with some sort of reaction. It may be positive if you don’t mind the sensation. It may be negative if you have very ticklish feet, and you find it very unpleasant. Dogs like to get a reaction from humans and thrive on attention. Perhaps, your dog has learned that this is an effective way to get your attention.

What it means when your dog licks your feet

Feet licking is a perfectly normal thing for a dog to do and is usually not something that you need to worry about. Provided your feet are healthy and you do not have any broken skin or infections the occasional lick will not harm your dog. However, sometimes the behavior can go too far. Obsessive licking can mean that your dog has an anxiety disorder. This is something that you should talk to your vet about. Also, you should check if there is a particular patch of skin on your feet that your dog is attracted to. If they seem to be fussing over a blemish or a mole, you should go to your own doctor to get it checked out. There have been several reports of dogs detecting skin cancers in their owners. Their noses are so sensitive that they can detect tiny chemicals given off by cancer cells. Researchers are studying if dogs could be used as cancer detectors in hospitals. It is highly unlikely that you have skin cancer, but your dog’s obsession with a mole could mean that they have detected something that needs to be checked out.

Why do dogs lick your feet after a shower?

This is a puzzling one. Surely your feet are so clean after a shower that there are no pheromones or salt to attract your dog? Yet, many owners find that this is the time when their dogs lick their feet the most! One explanation is that your feet smell different from normal and so your dog is exploring what is going on. Perhaps, they are checking out your shower gel or soap or even a skin moisturizer that you have used. Another possibility is that your dog does not like this ‘new you’ and is trying to make you smell like them – which is much more familiar and comforting.

Why do dogs lick their own feet?

Dogs lick their own paws for different reasons. If their attention is focused on one paw, it could be a sore, cut, abrasion, or bite. They could even have a thorn stuck in a paw pad. Dogs instinctively lick a wound but it can get in the way of the healing process. Another cause could be an allergy and this could be their food or something in the environment. It is always recommended that you talk to your vet if your dog is obsessively licking their own paws. They may ask you to try a dog food for allergies. If there is a wound that needs to be protected whilst it heals, you could try some dog socks or boots.

How to stop your dog from licking your feet?

If foot-licking has become a problem, here are a few strategies that you could try:

Keep your feet very clean

Try to wash your feet often to cut down on pheromones and salts. If you have been on a long walk or have exercised, it may be a good idea to wash your feet before your dog greets you.

Prevent access

As you are trying to get your dog out of the habit of licking your feet, stop them from gaining access. Wear socks and shoes around the house for a while. Head your dog off and offer a toy to play with when you see them heading for your feet.

Don’t react

This can be difficult if you have ticklish feet, but try not to react when your dog licks your feet. Remain calm and simply walk away. You could even leave the room. If you make a big fuss (positive or negative) it could encourage them to do it even more.

Give them something else to do

Boredom can sometimes make dogs lick their owner’s feet more than is comfortable. So, it could help if you give your dog something else to do. There are some great interactive toys that will stimulate your dog’s mind and distract them. You could also try a lick mat for dogs that really love to lick.

Be consistent

As with all dog training, it is important that you do not send mixed messages to your dog. You cannot let them lick your feet one day but not the next. Also, make sure that everyone in the household is training your dog in the same way. Licking is a very normal behavior for dogs. They lick both to communicate and to get information about their surroundings. Dogs have sensors between their nasal cavity and the roof of their mouth – this is called the Jacobson’s organ. Because of this clever organ, they can taste and smell at the same time, so licking is just a way of getting more information. Dogs learn to lick as pups. Their mother licked them to keep them clean and to show affection. They also use it to convey emotion and to comfort themselves. A very anxious dog may lick obsessively. What should you do if your dog licks your feet? You don’t need to do anything! Most owners see it as a bond between them and their dogs. It usually only lasts for a short time. Of course, if you are not comfortable with it, you should take steps to discourage this behavior. Wearing shoes and socks will help! Should you let your dog lick your feet? This is entirely up to you. If you are quite comfortable with it and the skin on your feet is healthy, then it’s fine. However, if you have a skin infection you should not let your dog lick your feet because it could make them ill. The same applies if you have put some topical medication on the skin of your feet – it could be toxic to dogs. You should also not let your dog lick your feet if you have any areas of broken skin. Dogs carry a lot of bacteria in their mouths, and these could enter your body through the broken skin and cause a nasty infection. What if my dog licks feet all the time? This behavior can stop being a cute infrequent occurrence and become a very troublesome habit. Some dogs can become obsessed with licking lots of things including human’s feet. It can indicate that your dog has a behavioral issue, and you should talk to your vet about it. Think about when the constant licking started so that you can try to identify what triggered the behavior.