The color of the body patterns, which range from brown to olive to yellow to chestnut, fades to white on the underbelly. These slithering creatures have triangular heads that are marked with a dark brown “spearhead” that is bordered in yellow atop.  They kill their prey by constricting their body. An extremely engorged snake was sighted on June 14 by a mountain biker traveling on one of the paths in the Lake Eland Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The indulgent python was photographed by the biker and shared on social media, where it rapidly caught the attention of nearby residents who wanted to see it for themselves. Many people visited the park in the days that followed merely to see the huge snake. In forested environments, they consume a wide range of big rats, monkeys, wild boars, antelopes, birds, fruit bats, lizards, alligators, and other animals. They prey on rodents, chickens, dogs, and goats in residential settings. These snakes occasionally devour the young of wild animals including hyenas, and jackals, as well as the offspring of large cats like leopards, tigers, and cheetahs. On June 20th, the python was discovered dead next to the bike track by park officials. They made the decision to open it up and have a peek inside. A 30-lb. porcupine was the amazing find that they made. Pythons often consume porcupines, despite their spiky exterior. Several snake species do in fact devour porcupines and other creatures with horns or quills. As humans, a 30-pound meal may sound like it would be too much, but for a python to eat, it isn’t. It’s still unclear if the predator’s demise was indeed caused by the python’s spiky food. The snake was discovered by rangers behind a rocky outcrop where it had presumably fallen. The slithering critter may have died as a result of the impact’s potential to penetrate its digestive tract with its swollen belly’s quills. In a video uploaded to Youtube, on commentator paints quite the picture with this comment: “Ouch! That must have hurt. Imagine the python trying to regurgitate it and because of all the spikes it couldn’t.” With that in mind, take a look at the shocking footage below! 

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