Siberian Huskies are fantastic dogs and have a remarkable history apart from being friendly, loyal, and efficient hunters. If you are a Husky fan, you just found the opportunity to know more about a dog with a wolf-like appearance.

1. Siberia is the origin of Huskies

Except you are a historian or live in Russia, you might think the dog’s name came out of the blue. It didn’t. The name was coined from Siberia, home to the Chukchi tribe. It is an extensive area of North-East Asia that has been part of Russia for over three centuries. People in that region are semi-nomadic. The need to advance their hunting activities birthed Huskies. They needed an energetic breed to pull sleds between places far apart. The endurance level of this incredible dog breed suited their needs. Siberian Huskies possess extraordinary qualities, including surviving on minimal food.

2. Siberian Huskies are highly energetic

The energy level of Huskies is relatively higher than that of a regular dog. If you have it in mind to take one as a family pet, it means you are ready to take on a huge responsibility. That is because they need to exercise frequently to release excessive energy. Pulling sled is the primary reason Chukchi people own these fantastic companions. That helps to keep their energy in check. However, keeping them at home as family pets is entirely different. For that reason, you can take them out for a mini-walk. If you are a fitness enthusiast, they can be great partners when you go out jogging.

3. Siberian Huskies have extraordinary metabolism

An interesting thing about this breed is its metabolism rate and how it does not get tired after running for several hours. Siberian Huskies maintain a high energy reserve even after burning a lot of calories. Humans cannot possibly sprint for close to an hour without getting exhausted. Huskies will cover a long distance even if they don’t have a meal to snack on. They have a structured body system that can cope with working tirelessly.

4. Siberian Huskies have coats thick enough to protect them during winter

This breed comes ready for the cold season regardless of the severity of the weather when the time comes. Siberian Huskies’ double coats include an extremely thick undercoat that ensures retaining body heat. The outer coat helps them to resist water. Another part of their body designed for winter is their almond-shaped eyes. While asleep, Huskies can wrap their tail around their face to keep them warm. Everything about them is perfect for winter weather.

5. Siberian Huskies are ideal dogs for rescue missions

History reveals that the Siberian Husky has been used by search planes for rescue purposes. When unwanted situations like plane crashes occur, officials set out with the dogs to find aircraft remains to save crews and passengers. Being sled dogs makes them possible to retrieve cargo and rescue casualties of downed planes. Their curiosity and willingness come in handy for missions like this. Irrespective of the distance, Siberian Huskies are willing to comply with their master’s instructions.

6. Siberian Huskies have unique eye colors

You will see some Huskies with brown eyes, but the most common type is blue. That is not something you find in most dog breeds. They are astonishing because a few have two different eye colors. It is a condition called Heterochromia, which relates to eye color variations.

7. The arrival of the Siberian Husky put an end to exportation

One activity that the people of Siberia were famous for in the early 90s was dog exportation. However, it stopped in 1930 when the incredible species came into existence. Nine years later, Canada recognized the breed officially. When the United Kennel Club acknowledged their presence, they called it Arctic Husky, a different name. However, they later succumbed to pronouncing it the way everyone recognizes it. Siberian Husky feels much better and is generally accepted.

8. Siberian Huskies are not part-wolf

It is a myth that Huskies possess the same traits as wolves. Some people are even stereotypic about this friendly breed, believing they cannot be home pets. Truly, they may look like wolves, but their personalities are in opposite directions. The Chukchi people of Siberia have been keeping them as companions for several years. Every dog breed is related to wolves but not as wild animals. People have a fixed image of huskies because of their inclusion in movies instead of wolves. Training them is relatively more effortless, making them suitable to play the role of wolves in films.

9. Siberian Huskies are not suitable for watchdogs

Looking at Huskies from a distance, you will think they are aggressive and perfect to be your protector. However, given their softness towards strangers, they are the direct opposite of that. Don’t get carried away with their wolf-like appearance. They are good as companion dogs rather than security. Siberian Huskies make friends with unknown visitors easily. Despite not being an ideal option for guard dogs, they are attentive and curious when they see strange things happening within their vicinity.

10. Siberian Huskies traveled 1000 miles to save people of Alaska

The people of Nome, Alaska, will forever be grateful to Siberian Huskies for their role in the transportation of anti-toxin to the community. A journey of about 674 miles led by mushers and a group of tireless Huskies was all it took to keep diphtheria disease under control. It was adventurous considering the harsh weather and challenges they encountered. The incredible dogs did not only appear in the newspaper but were labeled heroes for their feats.