Read on to learn 10 incredible Redbone Coonhound facts.

1. They Love to Hike

Hunting is a Redbone Coonhound’s favorite activity, but they love to hike too. They’ll happily spend their entire day outside, following you along a trail. Whether a half-day or full-day hike, they’ll be up for the challenge. They even make great jogging partners. A healthy adult Redbone Coonhound can run for 5 miles or more. Your Redbone won’t have trouble keeping up with you if you maintain a steady pace.

2. Redbone Coonhounds Are a Show Dog Favorite

Redbone Coonhounds are one of the most popular dogs in the show ring. Their grace and beauty can win over the heart of anyone watching. Many show-bred redbones can easily outperform other breeds, with few exceptions. This partly has to do with how easy it is to train them. Even though the Redbone might appear indifferent, they love training. As long as you present them with the right type of incentive, they’re eager to learn.

3. It’s Nearly Impossible to Wear Them Out

One of the trickiest parts of owning a Redbone Coonhound is that they have high energy needs. These dogs require a ton of exercise if you want to keep them happy and out of trouble. Since Redbones are highly intelligent, they can be mischievous. Destructive behaviors such as chewing and nuisance barking are just a couple of the poor behaviors a hyper Redbone might exhibit. Thankfully, there are many ways to engage Redbone Coonhounds and burn off their energy. Fetch, tug of war, and scent training are just a few activities your Redbone will enjoy. They also love swimming and spending the day playing with other dogs.

4. They’re a Part of Movie History

Have you ever seen the movie Where The Red Fern Grows? It’s a story about a boy who falls in love with two Redbone pups. He trains them to become astonishing coonhounds. Redbone Coonhounds have beautiful coats and endearing eyes. They’re movie magic. As the boy becomes a man, he has to deal with rigors, hard lessons, and challenging life decisions. However, he has lifelong lessons from his two adorable dogs to help along the way. Perhaps one of the reasons the Redbone Coonhound was chosen breed for the movie has to do with their striking appearance.

5. Official Redbones Can Have White Hair

When it comes to breeding standards, Redbones have some strict requirements. However, there are a few unique coat traits that still qualify. The Redbone is a solid red-colored hound of incomparable beauty. Their coat is dense, glossy, hard, and usually dark red. However, there are lighter shades of red on some dogs. Some Redbones also have a little white on their chest or feet. While off colors aren’t recognized for the breed standards, the white hairs are just fine.

6. Redbone Coonhounds Love to Sing

Staying true to their hound nature, Redbone Coonhounds have a musical voice. Their melodious howl is pleasing to listen to. Almost anything can get a Redbone Coonhound to start singing. They can sing because they’re happy, lonely, or just because they feel like it! You can even train your Redbone Coonhound to sing on demand. One of the best ways to train a Redbone to sing is using a harmonica. You don’t have to play the harmonica perfectly. All that matters is that the Redbone gets a chance to hear the different high and low notes. If they feel moved, they’ll belt out a howling tune.

7. Redbone Coonhounds Smell Musty

What’s that smell? It might be your Redbone Coonhound; they have a unique odor. The houndy odor doesn’t smell bad. But it takes a little getting used to. While regular baths can help keep the smell under control, certain Redbones have a more pungent odor than others. Once you’re familiar with the scent of a Redbone, you can grow to associate it with its loyal nature.

8. They Come From Foxhounds

What’s the history of the origins of Redbone Coonhounds? Redbones have a unique history, descending from fox hounds during the Colonial days. Redbones were bred by hunters who needed a dog that had deep rich color and natural hunting abilities. For instance, they liked dogs that would chase raccoons and other prey up trees. Tree-oriented dogs, like foxhounds, made the top of the list. Redbones still have a tree-oriented tendency today. In the early days, Redbones used to have a saddleback color with a red foxhound background. However, over time, the black saddle was bred entirely out of these hounds. Now Redbone Coonhounds have a solid red coat with a tiny amount of permissible white.

9. Redbone Coonhounds Are Relentless

Nothing can get in the way of a Redbone pursuing game. These hounds are adaptable and can handle all sorts of environmental distractions, similar to an Alpine Dachsbracke. It’s as if they get tunnel vision. A Redbone will relentlessly pursue its goal, tackling each obstacle on the way. This makes them indispensable as hunting dogs. Their athletic abilities and laser focus are their biggest claims to fame. Training whistles can prove helpful throughout their training. Off the field, if you give a Redbone an obstacle course, they’ll quickly complete it too! That’s one of the reasons some Redbones undergo training programs to become search and rescue dogs. In as little as 12 months, they can be helpful out on the field.

10. They Have Super Floppy Ears

Redbone Coonhounds are known for having super floppy ears. Their big floppy ears are set pretty low. Owners must take special care to keep their ears clean and dry. Using a vet-recommended ear solution, it’s easy to get Redbones’ ears squeaky clean. Pro-tip; Redbones, and all dog breeds, benefit from positive reinforcement. When your dog associates ear cleanings and doggie shampoo with fun, it’ll make your life easier. You should make bath time a happy time filled with praise and treats.