1. They Are Sometimes Known by Another Name

What kind of animal is it most comparable to, an anteater or a squirrel? The fact that it looks so much like a raccoon and a squirrel has led many people to mistake it for one of those animals, even though it has a different name. It is even referred to as the banded anteater on occasion. The numbat is a species of marsupial native to Australia that is in a state of critical endangerment.

2. They Have Sharp Claws for Digging

The numbat drills very small holes in the ground to obtain access to the galleries in the termite colony, which are the entrance and exit points for the termites. Unfortunately, unlike many other creatures, numbats do not have jaws or teeth that are as robust as those of other species. A cool numbat fact is that instead of teeth they have “pegs” that are not as sharp since they do not chew their food but rather swallow it whole.

3. Numbats Are Actually Fairly Fast

Numbats can avoid danger thanks to their quick reflexes and ability to climb trees while clinging to the bark with their sharp claws. In fact, when time is of importance, numbats are capable of speeds of up to 20 miles per hour.

4. Numbats Are the Only One Left in Their Genus

The numbat is the only member of its genus that is still alive; it is a mammal that belongs to the family Myrmecobiidae and is the only living representative of its family. Regarding the ancestral lineage of this family, our knowledge is extremely limited. Cave deposits dating back to the Pleistocene Epoch can be found in Western Australia and New South Wales. These caves are home to the only living species of numbat.

5. Their Ancestors Are From Millions of Years Ago

Although it was related to other extinct marsupials through a common ancestor, its monotypic family is now placed in the order Dasyuromorphia, which is comprised of a vast range of carnivorous mammals belonging to the family Dasyuridae. Genomic research has revealed that the ancestors of numbats became distinct from those of other marsupials somewhere between 32 and 42 million years ago, during the late Eocene Period.

6. Unfortunately, They Are an Endangered Species

The Dryandra Woodland and the Perup Nature Reserve in Western Australia are the only areas in the wild where this species has managed to maintain a viable population. However, since Europeans began to live in the region, there has been a significant reduction in the variety. Because of this, the species is now regarded as being in a state of critical endangerment. It is estimated that there may be fewer than one thousand mature individuals left. Both the massive destruction of their habitat and the hunting of these animals by wild carnivores have played significant factors in the species’ dwindling numbers.

7. They Are Insectivores

Numbats, which are classified as insectivores, obtain all the necessary nutrients from their diet of termites. To satisfy their nutritional requirements, they can swallow as many as 20,000 termites in a single day. After excavating its victim from the ground with its front claws, the animal seizes its meal with its long, sticky tongue to complete the kill.

8. They Are Fully Active by Day

The only species of marsupial that is known to be active during the day is the numbat. During the day it spends most of its time searching for termites. Australia recognizes it as a special and endangered species due to its rarity. In fact, the numbat was given official recognition as the representative mammal species of Western Australia in the year 1973.

9. Numbats Have Long, Sticky Tongues

Because of the length and stickiness of their tongues, it is simple for them to pick up termites and consume them in their entirety. The tongues of numbats are approximately 10 to 11 centimeters in length, making it easy for them to flick into holes and into tight locations such as fallen leaves and logs.

10. Numbats Have Small, Blunt Teeth

Even though numbats’ teeth are rather little and may give the impression of being degenerated, they are in fact polyprotodont, having three lower and four upper incisors on each side of their jaws. The numbat, much like many other mammals, has an abnormally small number of teeth that are not fully functional.

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