The largest specimen found off the coast of Massachusetts in 1865 had tentacles 36.6 m (120 ft) long and a bell 210 cm (7 ft) in diameter. Lion’s mane jellyfish have been discovered in east coast bays below 42°N latitude. Lion’s mane jellyfish use their stinging tentacles to capture and eat fish, zooplankton, sea creatures, and smaller jellyfish. Would you like to learn more? Keep reading to discover 10 incredible Lions Mane Jellyfish facts!

1.   A Single Lion’s Mane May Have Stung over 50 People

New England beachgoers experienced a peculiar day on June 16th, 2010. A dead lion’s mane weighing 40 pounds was found at the site where 50-100 swimmers were stung in Rye, New Hampshire. This led authorities to believe they had apprehended the perpetrator. It has been hypothesized by scientists that the lifeless jellyfish may still cause pain if it was broken up into several large pieces that drifted around and contacted observers. It’s highly improbable that we’ll ever have 100% certainty.

2.   They Are Often Surrounded by Schools of Fish

Fish of the genus Caranx eagerly seek out lion’s mane jellyfish and hover about their tentacles for protection, even though the invertebrate’s sting is harmful to smaller organisms (including other jellyfish). She says that the questions surrounding jelly biology are more numerous than the answers. On the contrary, Kingfish will hide inside the stinging strands and feed on the leftover jellies until they are big enough to venture into the open ocean.

3. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Can Grow to Huge Sizes

A lion’s mane jellyfish can reach a length of 120 feet! But don’t say that such a jellyfish is the world record holder for marine creature length. Scientists in the ocean have debated whether the saltwater bootlace worm, aka Lineus longissimus, which can grow up to 180 feet in length, merits the moniker. “Lion’s mane” is, however, the largest species of jellyfish. In 1865, the largest specimen ever found was unearthed off the coast of Massachusetts. Its tentacles stretched for a total of 120 feet, and its body measured around 7 feet across!

4. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Prefer Colder Waters

From late November to early March, the Chesapeake Bay is home to the lion’s mane jellyfish, also known as the “winter jellyfish.” Since they are more at home in the frigid Arctic climate, they only travel south when the oceans are cold enough. Moreover, they rarely swim deeper than 66 feet, preferring instead to stay near the surface.

5. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Don’t Have a Very Long Life

Jellyfish, known as lion’s mane, do not often live for very long. Lion’s mane jellyfish only have a lifespan of one year, but they can get as huge as blue whales. Therefore they must be able to hunt and eat a significant amount of prey in that time to stay alive.

6. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Can Have up to 1200 Tentacles

While some jellyfish can have hundreds of tentacles, the vast majority only have a few dozen hanging below their bell. There are eight groups of them, and each one has between seventy and one hundred and fifty individual tentacles.

7.   Predators and Prey Beware

To avoid being eaten by a starved anemone, lion’s mane jellyfish must exercise caution. In addition, leatherback sea turtles have been spotted devouring them off the coast of Canada. Oral papillae, which are in the throats of reptiles and point backward, help to move food toward the stomach and make it difficult for the animal to escape.

8. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Don’t Have a Brain

Contrary to popular belief, these creatures do in fact have neurons, which are a ring of nerves that can be detected within their “hoods” or “bells.” Without an actual brain or eyes, the Lion’s Mane must rely on its nerve cells to perceive and respond to potential threats, such as prey. Detectors in their bodies tell them if they are climbing or descending, approaching or fleeing the light. While being pulled in one direction, the jellyfish swims counter to the current.

9.   They Eat and Poop Through the Same Orifice

The mouth and anus of a jellyfish are in the same unusual opening. This means bodily waste is expelled through the mouth of the lion’s mane jellyfish. Even though this jellyfish only has a single digestive opening through which all their food and waste must pass, for the most part, they get the job done quickly and efficiently. It’s quite indicative of what goes on in our own bellies after a meal!

10. Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Can Reproduce Both Sexually and Asexually

Jellies’ complex life cycles give rise to a wide range of morphologies. After maturing into a medusa, or “adult,” form, they can reproduce by releasing gametes. When they are firmly anchored to the seafloor, animals in the polyp stage can self-clone asexually. Truth be told, Lion’s Mane Jellyfish can clone themselves. Jellyfish have an unusual life cycle because they reproduce sexually and asexually. While still in the polyp stage of development, they can make many duplicates of themselves, eventually becoming sexually active adult jellies.

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