Let’s take a look at some incredible cavapoo facts!

1. Cavapoos are Smart

Since cavapoos come from two very intelligent dog breeds—poodles and King Charles cavalier spaniels—they’re no dummies. These dogs are easy to train and can learn even the most complex of commands. To keep them healthy and happy, it’s important to keep them mentally stimulated. This can be accomplished with exercise, training, and stimulating activities like food puzzles. Since cavapoos love humans, just playing with them or even petting or brushing them makes them happy. 

2. They’re Prone to Separation Anxiety

Not even the cavapoo is immune to something so many dogs suffer from—separation anxiety. Because they’re so social, cavapoos tend to get lonely easily. This means that owners have to carefully train them to be self-reliant when left alone. Qualified dog trainers are the best people to consult when deciding on the methods you want to use to ease your cavapoo’s separation anxiety. Remember, a bored cavapoo can lead to unhealthy or annoying behaviors, like repetitive barking or destruction of property or items. To avoid these negative behaviors, try to play with or walk your dog before leaving them alone.

3. They Can Have Curly or Flat Fur

Cavapoos come from parents with very different fur types. Because of this, even puppies in the same litter might have different types of fur. Their fur might be wiry and tough, loose and wavy, or tightly curled. Wavy fur is the most labor-intensive type and generally requires regular grooming. No matter what type of fur your cavapoo has, it is still a fairly hypoallergenic dog breed. Cavapoos are popular dogs because they shed very little. If they have wavy fur, like a King Charles cavalier spaniel, owners often have them groomed to resemble tiny teddy bears. No matter the type of fur, remember to trim your cavapoo’s nails regularly to avoid overgrown nails.

4. Cavapoos Love Kids

Like all extroverted dogs, cavapoos love being around people. They’re especially good in families and do well with children—as long as they’re properly trained and socialized as puppies. As with all dog breeds, it’s important to appropriately socialize your cavapoo puppy to both humans and dogs as they grow. These dogs also do well with other pets and develop strong loyalties to their families.

5. Cavapoos were First Popularized in Australia

These dogs have actually been around since the 1950s. Breeders combined the small size of King Charles cavalier spaniels with the tightly woven, mostly hypoallergenic, coat of the miniature poodle. But, the breed didn’t gain in popularity until the 1990s. They first became popular in Australia. Today, cavapoos are a popular breed in both Australia and the United States. However, they’re still not recognized by the AKC. They are recognized by the International Designer Canine Registry, though.

6. They Eat—A Lot

You might have heard of picky eaters when it comes to dog breeds. But rest assured, cavapoos are not one of those breeds. In fact, owners have to carefully regulate their dog’s diet to ensure that they don’t become overweight. Also, because they have such a great appetite, these dogs have to be watched closely as puppies. They’re prone to trying to eat things they shouldn’t. If you do adopt a cavapoo puppy, remember to keep anything that fits inside a toilet paper tube out of reach of their tiny mouths. 

7. Cavapoos Hate the Outdoors

Certain dogs, like Great Pyrenees and golden retrievers, love nothing more than to be outside. But, cavapoos come from two breeds of dogs not known for their outdoor activities. So, it comes as no surprise that these dogs are not fans of being left outside. If you plan to get a cavapoo, ensure that it always has an indoor place to sleep. For this reason, they make great apartment dogs.

8. They’re Not Cheap

Any kind of ‘trendy’ dog won’t come cheap. Cavapoos are a specialty breed, which means they generally cost anywhere from $1,000-$2,000. However, it’s not unheard of to find slightly older cavapoos in shelters, or in need of foster care. They’re smaller than cockapoos, but that doesn’t mean they’re any cheaper. If you’re looking for a great family dog that prefers the indoors, try your local animal shelter first.

9. Cavapoos Make Great Service Dogs

These dogs are smart, small, and very fond of humans. Because of this, they actually make great service dogs, particularly for people looking for a smaller stature service animal. Cavapoos are easy to train and very smart, they’ve been used for all manner of service and therapeutic needs.

10. Cavapoos Come in Many Colors

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if the dog you’re looking at is a cavapoo, or something else. This is partly because of the wide variety of colors that these dogs come in. They’re usually gold, white, cream, chestnut, or black. But, they also come in multiple colors, including white, tan, and black. Oftentimes they come in white mixed with one other color.