Below are 10 incredible facts you probably didn’t know about bearded dragons.

1. Bearded Dragons Do Not Actually Have Beards

While they are widely known as bearded dragons, bearded dragons do not actually have beards; at least not in a human sense. If you get a close look, you won’t find facial hair or anything of the sort. However, they do have scales around their neck which is their own version of beards. And as opposed to what’s obtainable in human society, both males and females have beards.  These scaly beards can serve as a form of defense against predators- when a bearded dragon feels threatened, it would raise its chin and flare its beards out making it look bigger than it actually is.  Bearded dragons also deploy the beards as part of a mating call, in which they morph into a dark color. This is when they look remotely like actual human beards primarily because of the color. 

2. Bearded Dragons Are Solitary Animals

Bearded dragons are one of those animals that like to be by themselves and are fine all alone. They only relate with other beardies during mating seasons and once mating is over, they return to their spaces to be by themselves. It doesn’t get any more solitary than that, does it?

3. Bearded Dragons Are Venomous

Truth is, bearded dragons are venomous, however, their venom has no harmful effect on humans. That pretty much explains why they remain one of the most loved pets in Europe and North America.  Their venom is mostly harmful to the insects they prey on and is largely innocuous to humans and many other animals. 

4. Bearded Dragons Are Naturally Averse To Fireflies And Avocados

Bearded dragons cannot have fireflies for food because fireflies have toxins known as lucibufagins that can affect their hearts to a lethal degree. This means they could actually die from eating as little as one firefly.  As for avocados, they have excess oxalic acids which after consumption could make bearded dragons become very ill and possibly die. The avocados also have a high concentration of fat which may cause obesity in bearded dragons and shorten their lifespan especially if they are in captivity. 

5. Bearded Dragons Do Not Have A Liquid Urine

Yet another reason why bearded dragons are considered near-perfect pets. They do not urinate liquid, so there is no chance they would pee on you while you are playing with them. Their urine comes out as a powdery substance, known as the uric acid, alongside other waste.  Scientists say they do not urinate liquid because they are originally from deserts and their body conserves every drop of liquid. That makes sense, right?

6. An increase In Incubation Temperature Can Result In A Change Of Gender In Bearded Dragons

During incubation, the sex of bearded dragons can change. So, when the temperature becomes extremely high, the eggs will morph into females. But if it’s low, then the eggs would most likely be male. Besides the sex change, warm temperatures can also negatively impact their learning ability by slowing it down. Pet owners and prospective owners should take note. 

7. Bearded Dragons Can Give Birth Twice

Female bearded dragons can save sperm material from a male during a mating session to give birth again. This means the females can lay up to two clutches of eggs from one mating session. Bear in mind that one clutch can feature between 15-30 eggs. That way, they can increase the number of offspring from a single mating session. We have to admit, that’s pretty cool. 

8. Bearded Dragons Can Change Their Skin Color

When you hear about an animal changing their skin color, you immediately think of the chameleon. While that’s right, bearded dragons can also change their skin color. Their color change is not as sophisticated or effortless as the chameleons and they often change to a darker skin tone to absorb some more heat. In the same vein, when it becomes too hot, they’d make their skin lighter. 

9. Bearded Dragons Are Capable Of Falling Asleep While Standing

Bearded dragons have the rare “talent” of sleeping upright thanks to their natural ability to lock their hind legs and hold themselves upright. They often do this when they have to sleep between rocks, in which case, they would just lock their hind legs, lean against something and sleep away. 

10. Bearded Dragons Wave To Acknowledge Each Other

Much like humans, bearded dragons also wave to each other as a sign of acknowledgment. A male bearded dragon would wave to a superior male as a way of pledging submission and the dominant male would bob its head as a gesticular assertion of its superiority.  Females would also wave their arms to show that they are down for a mating session and the males would bob their heads in response.  They also wave at human beings not to greet per se, but as some form of acknowledgment of human superiority. Bearded dragons are very modest and they know their place, so they would often wave to demonstrate this. How cute. 

Bonus Bearded Dragon Facts

Bearded dragons can spend up to 12 hours just basking in the sun (sunbathing).Bearded dragons can live between 8-14 years as pets and their life expectancy is shorter in the wild thanks to predators. They have a breezy speed and can run as fast as 9 miles per hour.Bearded dragons love swimming and would regularly blow air unto themselves to gain some buoyancy.They can regrow lost or missing teeth.