Its vast size means that if you’re planning on an Atlantic Ocean islands getaway, you have lots of choices. Here are 10 of the most incredible Atlantic Ocean islands.

Barbados Island

Barbados Island is very popular for its stunning beaches and jaw-dropping scenery. The continental island is located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people flock to the culturally-rich island to have the time of their lives. Not only can you visit museums and go sightseeing, but you can also take tours of national parks and plantations. One fun fact about Barbados is that although the island has very few species of snakes, it is also home to the smallest known snake species, the “Barbados Threadsnake”.

Porto Santo Island

If you’re on the lookout for a slow-paced island designed for relaxation and vacation, Porto Santo might be the right choice for you. The island is located northeast of Madeira Island, in the North Atlantic Ocean. Porto Santo’s beauty is just one of the many reasons why tourists visit. Another major reason is the beaches which many believe have healing properties. The waters and sands are rich in magnesium, iodine, and calcium. These make them perfect for treating bone diseases such as rheumatism. The island is also home to the Giant Manta Ray, the Barracuda, and Risso’s dolphin.


Famous for its unique connection with nature, Greenland is the perfect destination for nature lovers. The island is home to all sorts of species of seals, birds, and marine life. Greenland is also the world’s largest island. This island is famous for its massive glaciers, tundra, and rich wildlife. Tourists have reported seeing white-tailed eagles, polar bears, walruses, and even reindeer. It’s a great place for tourists looking for an adventure or looking to connect with nature.

Newfoundland Island

If you’re on the lookout for an island with quiet inhabitants and amazing wildlife, Newfoundland Island will amaze you. Pronounced Newfoundlund, the island is perfect for sightseeing. Visitors to the island often extend their visits to the Eastern Province of Newfoundland and Labrador to visit famous sites and experience more of the people’s culture. The island is home to the endangered Newfoundland Gray-cheeked Thrush, Tradescant’s Aster, and Sharpleaf Aster. Some of the island’s native species are the Northern long-eared bat, Hoary bat, Little Brown Bat, Newfoundland black bear, Newfoundland dog (Newfie), and the Migratory woodland caribou.

Tristan da Cunha Island

Tristan da Cunha is an active volcano island. It is home to tens of millions of seabirds such as penguins and albatrosses. The island also houses several species of seals, sharks, and whales. Tristan is quite the wildlife haven. Without a doubt, the island is perfect for vacationers who want to see and experience nature. The island is often referred to as the most inhabited remote island. If you’re planning on visiting, pack comfortable clothes because the island has great weather all year long.

Canary Island

If the name of this island made you think of birds, you’re not far off. The Canary Island is home to a stunning number of birds. However, the island is not named after little, yellow Canaries. Instead, the island’s name is derived from the Latin term, Insula Canaria, which means “Island of the Dogs.” Canary Island is perfect for animal lovers in general. It hosts a stunning array of wildlife such as Canary Island Atlantic canaries, Canary big-eared bats, laurel pigeons, endemic geckos, Canary Islands stonechats, Tenerife blue chaffinches, and Tenerife goldcrests. Its marine life is equally stunning. Tourists have reported spotting sea urchins, starfishes, sea cucumbers, and many more.


Although Iceland was the last place on earth where humans discovered and settled, it is surprisingly one of the most eco-friendly countries on the entire earth. About 11% of the country is covered by glaciers. This doesn’t mean that the country is all ice, however. There are over 540 species of plants. Visitors to the island enjoy hiking, road trips, sightseeing, and enjoying the country’s wonderful aquatic life. You can expect to see seals, dolphins, whales, and many other marine creatures. It isn’t shocking that Iceland is home to over three hundred species of fish!

Azores Islands

Azores Islands is an archipelago of nine volcanic islands. All nine islands have stunning landscapes, green pastures, and plants and vegetation. Its largest island, the São Miguel, is the largest of the islands and is the only place on earth where pineapples are grown in greenhouses. Whale-watching and dolphin-watching are very popular in these parts. This is mainly because of the vast marine life they are surrounded by. The Azores are home to pilot whales, false killer whales, killer whales, and even the Bryde’s whale.

Fernando de Noronha

The Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago of 21 islands. However, only one of these islands is inhabited by people. The rest are home to reptiles, sea birds, and many other species. Not only do the islands have a high population of migratory and sedentary birds, but they are also the largest concentration of tropical seabirds in the entire Western Atlantic. The entire island has a population of about 5,000 people which makes it perfect for tourists who don’t like heavily populated places. Fernando de Noronha’s beaches are well-known for tourism, fish-watching, and recreational diving. Without a doubt, the island is a perfect vacation spot for ocean lovers. 

Faroe Islands

One fun fact about the Faroe Islands is that the sheep outnumber the people. There are 50,000 Faroe Island Residents and over 70,000 sheep! The salmon-loving country is home to friendly residents and lots of delicious cuisines. The Faroe Islands have a special race of eider and puffins– which also outnumber residents. The island is home to an astonishing number of endangered fishes and birds. Planning a visit? Get ready to enjoy beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and steep coastal cliffs.