Long Beach has plenty of dog parks all around the city. From large grassy dog parks to small shaded local parks, there is something to enjoy for everyone. Like all cities, Long Beach has rules for dogs and their owners that want to visit a city park, such as;

All dogs must wear a collar with current tags.No aggressive dogs.Dogs must be older than 4 months, vaccinated, and licensed.Puppies younger than 4 months are not permitted for their and other dogs’ protection.Pick up after your dog and dispose of waste in provided containers.Dog Park/Zone users must comply with posted rules for the safety of everyone and every dog.

1. Jackson Street Dog Park

Jackson Street Dog Park can be found in North Long Beach down the street from Jackson Park. This is a small, fenced dog park with dirt/sand landscaping meant for both small and large dogs to play together. The only seating available for owners is a single bench in the corner. A large concrete wall on one side of the park provides shade over the park during certain times of the day.  Currently, there are no trees other than a log used as decoration for the pups to play on. Doggy poop bags are provided and can be found near the entrance, along with a trash can. You can keep your furry friend hydrated with the doggy water fountain right outside the park entrance. Jackson Street Dog park is a lesser-known park, so it’s often empty during the week. Weekends can get busy after 12 p.m. and due to its small size, the dog park fills up fast. 

2.  K-9 Corner Dog Park

In South Long Beach, you can find K-9 Corner Dog park. This park has environmentally friendly drought-tolerant landscaping using dirt, artificial grass, and concrete walkways. Evening lighting for the park is provided by 100% solar energy. While visiting this dog park, owners can use the benches near the entrance to relax while they watch their dogs.  Doggy bags are not provided at this park, so be sure to bring some with you. A water fountain perfect for your pooch is located inside the park so they can stay hydrated. Due to its small size, this park can get busy pretty quickly. Weekends are typically the busiest, while weekdays remain relatively slow.

3. Wrigley Heights Dog Park

Located in Central Long Beach near the Wrigley Greenbelt is Wrigley Heights Dog Park. This fairly large dog park has separate areas for large dogs and small dogs. The park is fenced off by a concrete wall and chain link fencing. There is a leashing cage at the entrance to help keep your pooch safe while entering and exiting the park. Benches and some small plastic chairs can be found along the concrete pathway and spread throughout the park. Mulch, dirt, and concrete walkways make up the landscaping of this dog park, as well as small and large trees spread throughout. A water fountain and dog bowl are provided inside the park to keep your pooch hydrated while they have fun. Doggy bags are provided at the entrance, and trash cans around the park to ensure owners can easily clean up after their furry friends.

4. Gayle Carter Dog Park

Formerly known as Uptown Dog Park, Gayle Carter Dog Park is located in North Long Beach inside Scherer Park. This large dog park is separated into two areas, one for small dogs and one for large dogs. Dirt and concrete walkways make up the landscaping, with a few large trees spread throughout. The park has a leashing cage to ensure the safety of its furry patrons when entering and exiting the off-leash area.  In both dog areas, you can find a water fountain for your pooch to stay hydrated. Benches, picnic tables, and plastic chairs are scattered through the park for owners to sit and watch their pups play and socialize. Doggy bags are provided by the park, and trash cans can be found inside and outside the off-leash area. Sundays are typically the only busy day for this dog park, while the rest of the way stays pretty slow.

5.  Pike Park Dog Park

In Southern Long Beach, you can find a recently opened small dog park called Pike Park Dog Park. Dogs of every size are welcome to play, though there aren’t separate sections for small and large dogs. The landscaping for the area is made up of dirt and wood chips. No trees are currently planted in the park, so there is little to no shade over the area.  Two benches are available for owners to use as well as lighting for those evening play dates. A water station and doggy bags are provided by the park, so no need to bring your own. This is a small dog park so it can get packed easily. The busiest days for Pike Park Dog Park are typically weekends from afternoon to evening.   

6.  Downtown Dog Park

Inside Lincoln Park in downtown Long Beach, you can find Downtown Dog Park. The landscaping here consists of grass with a few trees spread around. There are two separate areas for small and large dogs, each with its entrance. Both areas have their own leashing cage, so owners don’t have to worry about small and large dogs interacting. Benches found along the fence are available for owners to sit and watch their furry friends have fun. Doggy bags and trash cans are provided near the entrance so owners can clean up after their pups and keep the park fun and clean for everyone to enjoy. Currently, no water fountains are located inside the off-leash area, so be sure to bring your own water so you and your dog can stay hydrated.  

7.  Recreation Dog Park

Long Beach’s first dog park, Recreation Dog Park, can be found in east Long Beach inside Recreation Park. This large dog park has separate areas for small dogs and large dogs though people often take their dogs into either area regardless of size. There is also a third smaller area owners can use if they prefer a less busy option for their dogs. Landscaping for the dog area is dirt/sand with large evergreen trees providing ample shade for the park. Agility equipment and toys are spread all throughout the park providing never-ending entertainment for your pooch. Benches and tables can be found all around the park so owners have plenty of places to relax while the furry friend has fun. Water stations, doggy poop bags, and poop scoopers are provided by the park to ensure a clean area for everyone. Due to its large size, Recreation Dog Park has plenty of room for everyone even on its busiest days. 

8. Bixby Dog Park

Found in south Long Beach, Bixby Dog Park is a large off-leash dog area landscaped with dirt and mulch. There are two separate areas in the dog park, one for large dogs and one for small dogs. A leashing cage is used at the entrance to ensure safe entering and exiting for your furry friend. Large trees can be found spread through the park, providing shade. Old toys and tennis balls can be found in both the small dog and large dog areas so everyone can enjoy them. Benches are available throughout the park for owners to use while their pooch socializes and has fun. Water dispensers and doggy bags are provided by the park. Saturday and Sunday are usually busy all day, while weekdays stay slow most of the day.  

9. Rosie’s Dog Beach

Rosie’s Dog Beach is located along Ocean Avenue in Long Beach. This is a beach with dedicated off-leash hours for pups to enjoy. The area is not fenced in, so it’s only for dogs who listen to their owners well while off-leash. Dogs are not allowed to be anywhere else besides the designated off-leash area and the beach access paths. Doggy bags and poop scoopers are available for use, but patrons are encouraged to bring their own. Currently, no water stations are located in or near the dog area so be sure to bring a water bottle to keep you and your furry friend hydrated. Weekends are very busy for this beach, while weekdays are much slower.

10. El Dorado Park Dog Park

The El Dorado Dog Park is located inside El Dorado Park in East Long Beach. This large dog park has grass landscaping with trees scattered throughout, providing lots of shade. Separate areas for large and small dogs allow your dog to play safely. A leashing cage at the entrance of both the small and large dog area is used for the safety of all dogs. Benches are found throughout so owners can sit and watch the furry friend play and socialize. Water dispensers and dog bowls are located around the park, so your pooch can stay hydrated. Doggy bags are provided by the park to help maintain cleanliness. Bathrooms can be found nearby as well as parking though it costs about $9 for parking.