1. Raven Rock Falls

Raven Rock Falls lies in Gunpowder Falls State Park, a park covering over 17,000 acres. Embraced by lush forests, the hike along the Big Gunpowder River is long. Once you reach the end of the trail, you’ll see the Raven Rock Falls, which has a 25-foot drop. Raven Rock Falls is best seen immediately after heavy rains.  Next up, we have a stunning waterfall in Maryland that borders another state!

2. Great Falls

The Great Falls is a waterfall in Maryland that is located along the Potomac River. A 75-foot drop cascades wonderfully over a number of rock formations, and it is quite powerful. As for activities, you can go kayaking, rock climbing, and whitewater rafting while visiting the park alone, with friends, or with your family. 

3. Muddy Creek Falls

An impressive 54-foot waterfall, Muddy Creek Falls is surrounded by tall hemlocks and mossy green woods. There’s a little over a mile of trail to the falls, but the entire hike there is absolutely gorgeous thanks to the scenery. There are a lot of rocks to climb on to give you a better view of the waterfalls, but be careful as the rocks can be slippery. Next, we’ll explore the tallest waterfall in Maryland!

4. Cunningham Falls

Cunningham Falls, which drops 78 feet, is the tallest and one of its most popular water falls in Maryland. There are two main trails leading to the falls as well as a parking lot from which one can see the lower falls if one cannot make the hike. There are also many things to do at Cunningham Falls State Park, such as camping, boating, and fishing!  Looking for a waterfall that isn’t well known? We’ve got a waterfall in Maryland that is an absolute hidden gem. 

5. Cascade Falls

The surrounding landscape is forest and rocky terrain. Upon reaching the end of the trail, you will come across Cascade Falls, one of the more remote water falls in Maryland. With its height of only 9 feet, this waterfall features a beautiful trickle along the rocks, while the pool below is the perfect spot to cool off.

6. Tolliver Falls

This waterfall in Maryland is located in Swallow Falls State Park. Located within the same state park as Muddy Creek Falls, this waterfall is also an excellent sight to see, although not as large. Despite only being a few feet away, this fall’s particular flow of water creates an incredibly tranquil setting. 

7. Kilgore Falls

You’ll have to hike a short distance to get to Kilgore Falls. There can be a lot of people on this trail on the weekends, especially during the summer. When you reach there, you’ll understand why. The pool below is incredibly popular, despite a drop of only 17 feet. Because of all the attention this waterfall has received, reservations are required on weekends and holidays, such as Labor Day. 

8. Swallow Falls

Despite being one of the smaller waterfalls in Swallow Falls State Park, this one holds the name of the park due to the swallows that once nestled here. Sadly, since human activity has increased in this area, the majority of the population has fled. At the bottom of this flowing cascade is a pool of water, making it the perfect place to cool off from the hot summer sun. 

9. Round Falls

Round Falls is a 10 ft tall manmade wonder that creates a large semi-circle. The falls can be seen from a large viewing platform. People and cyclists both flock to this small getaway from the city, which is located right in Baltimore. Despite being manmade, this is still an absolutely gorgeous waterfall in Maryland.

10. Gilpin’s Falls

A covered bridge is the main access point to Gilpin’s Falls, which happens to be one of six remaining covered bridges in Maryland. Samuel Gilpin once owned these falls, which he used to power his mills to grind corn and saw wood. A visit to this waterfall is an unforgettable experience, especially when you consider its history.